Mount Mary Fair 2023 | Bandra Festival Date and Timing

Mount Mary Fair 2023 | Bandra Festival Date and Timing

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Mount Mary Fair 2023 | Bandra Festival Date and Timing | Location:- There are so many fair celebrated at organized in India. In each state of India you get the details about the fairs that are celebrated by the people. Today we have come up with a information about fair that is named as mount Mary fair 2023. This is also called Bandra fair. It is celebrated on the owner of Mother Mary who is the mother of Jesus Christ. This is the day on which she was born and this is the annual celebration day celebrated by the people in Mumbai.

The people who are interested to visit for Mount Mary fair, that is for their kind information that you have to visit the mount Mary Church of Bandra. It is celebrated in the month of september and people take part in this year every year.So, with the help of this article we are going to provide you all the relative detail about mount Mary fair 2023, date and timings, location and all the other related information.

Mount Mary Fair 2023 Date

Dis festival is celebrated and organised at Mount Mary Church of Bandra in Mumbai. Has been said that from last 300 years, it is celebrated an organised by the authority every year. But we all know that, from last two years because of covid-19, it was not organised by the authorities of church. But after the gap of 2 years, it is again going to organise. The authority of the church is going to start the fair from the first Sunday of september month. The people who want to visit in the church to enjoy the fair, they we can visit the church from 5:30 a.m. to 11 p.m. regular. As per the old story, the Statue of Mary discovered by fisherman. From that day, where was started and people celebrate it.

Mount Mary Fair 2023

Mount Mary Fair 2023

Overview of Mount Mary Fair 2023

Name of the event: Mount Mary Fair
Year: 2023
Event related to: Fair
Location: Bandra
State: Maharashtra
Dates: September Month
Post Category Info

Mount Mary Fair 2023 Timings and Schedule

Mount Mary is the mother of Jesus Christ and people have great fathdon her. Every year people celebrate this year fair in mumbai Bandra and it starts from the first Sunday of the september month. In 2023, it is again going to be organise from the month of September. People who are Christians believed that on 8 September, mother Mary was born. That’s why, this festival start from the first Sunday of September and continue till 9 days. For these nine days, people worship the mount Mary and this is the special prayer for her by the people. Who belongs to Christian community also called this festival as feast of nativity. The 30 organise 5 virgin Meri morning message that are at home 5:30, 6:15, 7:45, 8:30 and in the evening 5:30 p.m., 6:30 p.m.7:30 p.m..

Highlights of Bandra Mount Mary fair 2023

The people who is it Bandra Mount Mary fair are attracted by many different things that are available in that place. Do shopping at the shopping boots, there are so many food booths, amusement rights are also there, calcert with organised by the authorities so many things that will attractive when you will visit in this fair. People will enjoy different food items are available there. People can enjoy the different food as well as clothing stores are also available. All the different type of products are available in the fair.As per the latest information, around 100 stores available at St john Baptist Road. Highlight of this road is you will get different type of food at very reasonable price. Decided to display around 50 stalls on revela road.

Important dates of Mount Mary Fair 2023

People who are very excited about Mount Mary fair which is going to celebrate in 2023, they will have a good news for them. It is going to celebrate in bandra Mumbai and it will start from the first sunday of September month. People from different religion take part in with great enthusiasm. Mount Mary basilica will open from 5:30 a.m. to 11:30 p.m. For all the pilgrims who won the worship mother Mary. If you talk about the mount Mary Church, it will close at 8:00 p.m. everyday and people will not allow to visit there after that.

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