Praseetha Chalakudy Contact Number, Program Booking Number, Rate List
Get the complete detail about Praseetha Chalakudy Contact Number, Program Booking Number, and Rate List.
All People who are searching for the Praseetha Chalakudy Contact Number are in the right place. Now today with the help of this article I am going to provide you the complete detail about Praseetha Chalakudy Contact Number Details, Praseetha Chalakudy Booking number Whatsapp and Mobile Number. Apart from that I also provide you the direct link to her social media accounts like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.
So for that, you all need to read the whole article given below.
Praseetha Chalakudy Contact Number
Before searching for Praseetha Chalakudy Contact Number, here first you need to know more about her. So she is a very famous singer. She sings so many songs in Malayalam. There are so many super hit Malayalam Evergreen Folk songs that are composed by her too. As she is a very famous folk singer.
Now there are so many people who want to make the contact with Praseetha Chalakudy. So now through the help of this article, we provide you with all the necessary steps with the help of which you all easily share your views with her.
Praseetha Chalakudy Contact Number | *********** |
Praseetha Chalakudy Contact Number Details
Here is some basic detail about Praseetha Chalakudy, so that you easily understand her. She learns folk songs from her father who is also an agricultural worker. She completer her starting education at UP. Her husband is an actor and singer his name is Manoj Perumbilao.
Name of Person | Praseetha Chalakudy |
Occupation | Folk Singer |
Year of Information | 2023 |
Information Given | Folk Singer |
Birth Place | Chalakudy Thrissur |
State Belongs | Kerala |
Parent Name | Unnicgekan Valli in Madapattuparam |
Post Category | Contact Details |
Praseetha Chalakudy Program Booking Number
We all know that she is a very famous folk singer in that area. And to book her concert you need to get her booking number too. She sings so many songs in the Malayalam language. These all songs are folk songs. There are so many people who want to make the booking for their function. As to book her for her program you need to contact her with the contact number. And also have to fix the Praseetha Chalakudy Program Rate.
Praseetha Chalakudy Program Booking number | ************* |
Praseetha Chalakudy Mobile Number & Whatsapp Number
As we all know that nowadays everyone has a personal mobile number. And on the same mobile number they have a Whatsapp account. With the help of that you can easily contact the person for which you want. On Whatsapp, You can share voice messages, image transfer, and video calls.
But due to security and safety reasons, famous personality never shares their personal number with the public. Here we also don’t have his contact details. So don’t believe any person who claims to have her personal number. Kindly don’t pay the booking amount to anyone.
Praseetha Chalakudy Mobile & Whatsapp Number | *********** |
Singer Praseetha Chalakudy Phone Number
Praseetha Chalakudy Contact Number | NA |
Mobile Number | NA |
Phone Number | NA |
Whatsapp Number | NA |
Residence Number | NA |
Program Booking Number | NA |
Office Number | NA |
Any other number | NA |
Praseetha Chalakudy Social Media Account ( Facebook, Twitter and Instagram)
There are so many people who are also social media star. And after following them on social media you all will get all the updates about her program. After that, they also share their program booking number on their social media account. So here below I am going to provide you her social media account detail of her. | |