Kabrau Mogal Dham Contact Number, Phone Number, Address Details
Read the complete Detail about Kabrau Mogal Dham Contact Number, Phone Number, Address Details Given Here.
Dear visitors, welcome back to our website again . Today we have brought the information about the temple which is very famous and situated in Gujarat. The name of this temple is Kabrau Mogal Dham. This temple is very famous in the state as well as in all over the India. Different places come and visit there to make darshan of mogal Maa. If you are also interested and looking for the information how you can visit in this Temple. Then, you have to read this article till end.
With the help of this article, we are going to provide you the information related to the Kabrau Mogal Dham contact number, about the phone number through which you can easily visit here, address and related information. You can check out the complete details in this post which we are going to provide you today.
Kabrau Mogal Dham Contact Number
We all know that, in our country, there are so many temples and because of the devotion of people, many every year visit there. All the states have different temples and people have lot of trust on the god and goddess. Then Temple which is in Gujarat named as mogal Maa is one of the very famous temple in Gujarat state. It has been assumed that this Temple is around 450 years old and that’s why people want to visit there to see the speciality of this Temple.
There are so many people who are searching about the contact number of Kabrau Mogal Dham. If you are so looking for contact number and phone number, you can go through this article till end. In this article, you will get the details of contact numbers of mogal Maa Gujarat, address of the temple, location and other details.
Darshan Timings of Mongal Dham Kabrau Details
People who want to take darshan of mogal Mata can get entry in the temple in the given time. The authority has set up the darshan time for the pilgrims of all over India. So if you want to visit in the temple, please check out the timings of Darshan for the people. The timings has been discussed below:-
Morning timings: 5:00 a.m. to 10:30 p.m.
Evening timings: 5:00 p.m. to 10:30 p.m.
After the given time, people are not allowed to enter in the temple for Darshan of Mongal Mata.
Aarti timings of Kabrau Mongal Dham Contact
All the people who will visit in the temple can also attend the Aarti of Mata on Mongal Dham . You can attend aarti in the morning as well as in the evening and timings are:-
Morning arti time: 5:00 a.m.
Evening Aarti time: 6:00 p.m. everyday
Location of mogal Dham Temple Kutch
Temple of Mata is situated in Badalpur which is in Kutch. People from all other states will visit here to take the Shane of Mata. It is at the top. The people who make wishes here , will be full field by the Goddess and that’s why people have great faith on her.
Kabrau Mogal Dham Contact Number/ Phone Number
It has been observed that, on Google there are so many people who are searching about the contact number of Gujarat kabrau Mogal Dham I want to contact to the temple. If you are also searching about the contact number of mogaldham, we will provide you the detail here. With the help of this contact number, you can directly contact to the temple members. After calling on this number, you will get the information that you want to collect. So the number is:-
Contact numbers: 9978 378911 , 7599923908
Kabrau Mogal Dham Address Details
It is very important to note down the Kabrau Mogal Dham Address Details so that every one can easily reach to the place.
“Kabrau, Gujarat 370140
Mogaldham, Kabrau, Kutch. – મોગલધામ કબરાઉ, address”
Chardham Yatra Registration 2023
Kambal Wale Baba Contact Number
Silhati Wale Baba Contact Number
We hope that you get the information that you are looking for. In the vertical we have provided to you the contact number of Mogal Dham and it will be very helpful for you to contact to them easily. But still, if you have any question regarding the temple, you can ask us by putting your question in the comment section. For more updates, keep in touch with us.